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Webhooks can be configured to POST a JSON payload to the specified URL on multiple events.

Where can I find the Bazarr API Key

You can find your Bazarr API KEY in Settings => General => Security

!Bazarr API KEY



Keep in mind Plex Webhooks is a Plex Pass perk

The URL provided will filter out events and if it got a or media.resume event, it will search for missing subtitles for the episode or movie being played. you'll have to stop it and resume it for Plex to update the available subtitles.

Windows => http://localhost:6767/api/webhooks/plex?apikey=YOUR_BAZARR_API_KEY Docker => http://bazarr:6767/api/webhooks/plex?apikey=YOUR_BAZARR_API_KEY

How to setup in Plex

Settings => Webhooks => click on ADD WEBHOOK

On the top right click on the plex-settings-icon Settings icon, and on the left sidebar select Webhooks Click on the middle of the screen on plex-webhook-icon and add the following info.


  1. Add the above URL.
  2. Click on SAVE CHANGES