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Run from source

bazarr requires Python 3.8 or greater and can be run from source.

  1. Install Python 3.8 or greater (Till Python 3.8.6 Tested) from this link and make sure to check the box to have Python directory added to the system path variable.
  2. Open up CMD and go to the folder you want to install bazarr.


    Do not use C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) as you could run into strange issues. Something like C:\bazarr is a better choice.

  3. Download the latest release of Bazarr here

  4. Extract the content of the zipped release to the previously created bazarr directory
  5. Go to the bazarr folder:

    cd bazarr
  6. Install Python requirements using:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. You can now start bazarr with the following command:

  8. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:6767/

Please see the autostart page for service installation instructions.